Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU/2013-11-4
Meeting Free Knowledge Advocacy Group, London Nov 4, 2013
Attendees: Dimitri EU, Jan WMDE, Frans WMNL, Bengt WMSE, Jon, Charles, Stevie WMUK
There is a large copyright reform discussion coming up in the EU. Other NGO’s involved in the discussion are:
- Creative Commons
- Open Knowledge Foundation
- Collective Rights Management
We decided on the organization of the Advocacy group:
- One representative from each chapter /country who will act as contact person for Dimi (spider in the web)
- Decision making to be dealt with in each country / chapter
- No formal board or decision making entity on EU level
- Mission statement = founding document
- Information resource = (including the discussion page)
- Communication = advocacy advisory mailing list
We revised the Statement of Intent of the Advocacy Group:
- ‘Giving Free Knowledge a Voice’ (See below)
- Mission statement to chapters
- Building expert pool
- Building up contacts in the member states / key persons on national level
- Open content Unesco booklet translated & distributed to EC members
- Co-organise World book and copyright day 23rd April