WCN 2012/Structured Data
< WCN 2012
Spreker: Jeroen De Dauw
Structured Data in MediaWiki
Structured data that can be read and understood by machines is becoming more and more important. MediaWiki is of course a player in that game as well. Jeroen will give an introduction to the existing structured data facilities within MediaWiki and how they can be extended. He is working on two of the main projects in this area in MediaWiki — Semantic MediaWiki and Wikidata.
The talk will include:
- a short introduction to general MediaWiki hacking and extension development
- a quick intro to Semantic MediaWiki and developing extensions for it
- a quick intro to Wikidata including its architecture and extension points
This talk will be especially valuable if you are going to attend the hackathon on Saturday and give you a good head-start on everything.
(Cat pictures included!)
- An understanding of programming and the development process in general
- (optional) PHP and JavaScript
- (optional) Git and gerrit
- (optional) Basic MediaWiki development