WCN 2006/abstracts/Wikimedia Chapters
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Titel | Wikimedia Chapters - Some insights from Wikimedia Germany |
Presentatievorm | Lezing (en) |
Doelgroep | |
Spreker(s) | Kurt Jansson |

Wikimedia Germany was the first chapter and is today regarded as the most successful one by many. I will talk about the current state of the organization, the things we accomplished, the problems we solved and the ones that still bother us. I will put the focus especially on the matters of communication and on the legal quarrels since I think that others might profit from our experience here. At the end I will give a small outlook into future projects.
- Korte biografie van Kurt Jansson
Kurt Jansson is the president of "Wikimedia Germany - Society for the Advancement of Free Knowledge", which was founded in summer 2004. He is also one of the press spokesmen of the German Wikipedia. Kurt Jansson is 29 years old and studies sociology at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Vertaling: Kurt Jansson is de voorzitter van "Wikipedia Duitsland - Vereniging ter bevordering van Vrije Kennis", welke opgericht is in de zomer van 2004. Hij is ook een van de perscontacten van de Duitstalige Wikipedia. Kurt Jansson is 29 jaar oud en studeert sociologie aan de Vrije Universiteit te Berlijn.
- Audio-verslag: Media:Wcn2006_wikimedia_de_kurt_jansson.ogg (13 Mb)