GLAM-WIKI 2015/Statistics

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This page describes some statistics of the GLAM-WIKI conference 2015 in The Hague.

The official report of the conference is published together with its Project & Event Grant application on


  • 151 people have subscribed to come to the conference.
  • 147 people attended the conference.
  • Of the 147 conference attendees, 88 were male and 59 female. 40,13% female participants.
  • The participants came from 32 countries and six continents (7-continent model). The conference also included presentations by representatives from each continent.
    1. Africa: Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Malawi, South Africa, Tunisia
    2. North-America: Canada, Mexico, United States
    3. South-America: Chile
    4. Asia: Armenia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Philippines, Taiwan
    5. Australia: Australia
    6. Europe: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

General conference statistics

26 sessions were held during 3 days, including

  • 1 keynote speech
  • 3 showcase sessions (overview of short presentations of current GLAM projects from all over the world)
  • 10 workshops and tutorials
  • 7 panels and thematic presentation series
  • 2 group discussions

Additionally, during the conference itself, two spontaneous meetups took place.

No less than 54 separate presentations (sometimes very short ones) were given. This means that on average one in three GLAM-WIKI attendees has also taken the stage at the conference.

Press / Social media / Coverage

Coverage in external sources

Social media

  • Facebook event. 59 people indicated they were 'going', 8 people 'maybe'.
  • The hashtag #GLAMWIKI was tweeted 1,500 times. This reached 662189 people via Twitter.
  • The news item about GLAM-WIKI on the website of Wikimedia Nederland has been checked 46 times.

Survey right after the conference

In the weeks right after the conference, a survey was held among the participants.

Of the 147 attendees, 63 people have completed this survey (42.86%).

Participants' profiles

The 63 people who completed the questionnaire indicated the following as their occupation(s) / profile. It was possible to check more than one answer.

Volunteer at one or more Wikimedia projects 33 52.38%
GLAM professional 17 26.98%
Academic / researcher 10 15.87%
Staff member of a Wikimedia chapter 12 19.05%
Other 2 3.17%

Rating of the conference and its sessions

The conference, overall, got an average rating of 8.42/10.

  • Was a good range of topics covered? 8.43/10
  • Were the topics relevant to you? 8.38/10

The most appreciated sessions were:

  1. Keynote speech by Paul Keller 9.07/10
  2. Training GLAMs (with Sebastiaan ter Burg) 9.04/10
  3. EU copyright reform workshop (with Dimi and Paul Keller) 8.92/10
  4. Meetup in meeting room D: Gender Gap 8.89/10
  5. Re-visualizing Wikimedia content 8.75/10

The least appreciated sessions were:

  1. Tutorial: Wikimetrics 7/10
  2. Maptime! Wikimedia and maps, for beginners 7.05/10
  3. Group discussion: from newbie to emancipated GLAM 7.33/10
  4. Closing plenary session on day 1 7.38/10
  5. Closing plenary - day 3 7.70/10

A selection of remarks

Positive experiences

"The diversity of the projects and participants. I also liked seeing so many female presenters!

The venue was great and the tours were a definite highlight.

Also, the WiFi. It was fast and consistent - A+"

"the food Saturday evening"

"I have met 30 people from 7 countries in one day."

"The best thing about GLAM-WIKI 2015 is its audience. Thanks to the organizers for carefully choosing the right mix of audience : Chapter members, volunteers, Wikimedians-in-Residence, experts in GLAM partnerships and representatives of cultural institutes. This right mix of audience gave everyone a chance to pick up conversations with people from every aspect of GLAM. I think I found experts from every GLAM domain, so there was always someone who could answer my questions about legal, technical or cultural issues related to GLAM. I am also very pleased that WM-NL took extreme care in diversity of participants, by giving ample opportunities to those from global south and women."

"The most useful sessions were the practical workshops. It was so nice to have hands-on experience about a variety of skills, starting from using GLAM measuring tools to Wikimetrics. Learning these practical skills made me more confident to measure the outcome of my projects. I was concentrating more on the training sessions because I knew I could catch up with the talks later online, but participating in a workshop is an experience which nothing else can match :-)

I hope the next GLAM WIKI conference will have a lot of workshops and interactive sessions."

"The UNESCO session, because it had actual outcomes, which were actionable."

Learning experiences

"So much learning! I came to know more about projects that are like mine. It was really good to pick up conversations with people who work with GLAM and medicine. I also learned a bit more about Wikimetrics and gathered a lot of points from the discussion about gendergap in GLAM and Wikimedia. The informal conversations picked up with the attendees were really useful in that, I could learn a lot about library projects and maintaining archives. I was happy to know about projects of different ranges : from small backyard projects to huge GLAM content donations."

"How to make stone soup."

"- The impact of Wikidata on semantic enrichment of linked open data is really significant for GLAMs.

- The wiki reporting tools that GLAMs need don't exist as a simple dashboard - yet!

- a clear explanation of the advantages of cc-by is needed."

"Strategies, Chapter organisation and planning, geolocation, maps,  Wikidata, library relationships, helpful contacts, new and strengthened relationships."

"A bit less than I expected, having attended previous GLAM-WIKIs, and not being very interested in Wikidata. Wikidata was the big new theme."

What should be better next time?

"Some of the daily wrap ups felt a bit redundant."

"You had a lack of focus: Sometimes content seem specialized, sometimes content seems superficial. As an attendant, I don't knew how to select and event, because I had not information about its level."

"1. Plan for the conference a bit ahead of time so that there is enough time for attendees to mark their dates and apply for the visa.

2. Conduct all sessions in the same venue as far as possible, let us not waste our time leading the attendees in and out of locations

3. More stroopwafels :-)

4. More time allocated for the conference (Maybe, start by 9 am and end by 6 pm, then head straight to dinner every day)

5. A conference app for connecting the attendees beforehand, or an active mailing list for the participants to get to know each other ahead of participating in the conference."

"I think it would be nice to have a sort op opening activity in the hours between the opening of registration and the start of the conference,  also for the people how are not participating in the guided tours. Now I had the idea that some of the people who registered early but did not register for the guided tours felt a bit lost. Maybe a consul with a Wiki-game people can play together or a world map where they can put a pointer in with the city the dirive from or some computers with wikipedia for people to sit behind and edit articles or upload pictures?"

"Less tracks division to suit the small conference size, the four competing sessions was really restrictive for those who were engaged in hosting or presenting.  It seemed that for a conference of this size there should have only been 2 tracks most often."

"Invite more African Wikipedians!"

"Attract more GLAM organisations."

"As a programme committee, I found that some people lacked the confidence to present with the ""big boys"". To get a diverse range of presentations in future, delegates will have to be encouraged to share their work, and should be given longer to give more detail (10 mins for each).

Also, due to three people not getting their visas in time, the scholarship decision needs to be made with at least 6 weeks to spare to allow for the time. "

"There was a little too much mansplaining from some of the men who were present. Gender gap implications aside, some of the key mediawiki players had a sometimes standoff-ish, know-it-all way of communicating that was uncomfortable to experience. The good news is that this wasn't the norm and that the bulk of the attendees, organisers and presenters were warm, friendly and welcoming.

Beyond that I had a wonderful time and look forward to following along with GLAMWIKi news and developments from home."

Survey six months after to conference

An event like GLAM-WIKI shows its impact over a longer period. In October 2015, a follow-up survey will investigate the longer-term effects of the conference.