hier niet in schrijven svp. /please don't write here, this is the archive 2014
This Month in GLAM : January 2014
France report : Public Domain Day; photographs
Germany report : WMDE-GLAM-Highlights in 2014
Netherlands report : New Years Reception; 550 years States General; Content donation University Museum; Wikipedians in Residence; OpenGLAM Benchmark Survey
Sweden report : Digitization; list creation
Switzerland report : The Wikipedians in Residence of the Swiss National Library have started their work
UK report : Voices from the BBC Archives plus Zoos, coins and Poets
USA report : GLAM-Wiki activities in the USA
Open Access report : Open Access Media Importer; Open Access File of the Day
Calendar : February's GLAM events
To assist with preparing the newsletter, please visit the newsroom . Past editions may be viewed here .
Archives This Month in GLAM