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GLAM-WIKI 2015/For speakers

Uit Wikimedia

Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums & Wikimedia / Fri 10 - Sun 12 April 2015
Koninklijke Bibliotheek & National Archive of The Netherlands, The Hague, NL

€27,50 / €80 / €110 / Book your tickets here
Contact: Sandra Fauconnier <>, conference phone +31 (0)6 2130 8653, @wmnl - - GLAM-WIKI 2015 on Commons

 Info & News   Registration   Programme   For speakers   Accommodation   Travel   The Hague   Challenge   Credits & Thanks 

Information for speakers at GLAM-WIKI 2015.

Do I need to buy a ticket for the conference?

If you speak at GLAM-WIKI but if you do not have a scholarship, you are on the guest list for the day on which you are presenting.

Would you like to attend the conference for more than one day? In that case, we kindly ask you to purchase a conference ticket. As a speaker, you can choose the discounted option for Wikipedians/Wikimedians - 27,50 EUR.

If you do have a scholarship, you are automatically registered for all three days of the conference.

Technical requirements

We'll use VGA connections at the conference.
  • Please bring your own laptop, if you have one. Don't forget to bring your own VGA adaptor if needed.
  • Please bring a power adapter for Dutch electricity sockets (see image).
  • Don't have your own laptop? Please bring your presentation on a USB stick.

Be in time for your presentation / session!

Please be present in your presentation's room 10 minutes before the start of the session, so that your laptop and presentation can be tested.

Tips on the contents of your talk

Most participants of the GLAM-WIKI conference are Wikimedia and/or GLAM-WIKI volunteers who already have some experience with organizing and running projects. A few questions and tips to make your presentation most interesting for the audience:

  • Keep it short. Each presentation must be maximum 15 or 20 minutes, depending on the track. This leaves time for questions.
  • Emphasise your project's most unique characteristics. How is your project different from others?
  • Which results did you hope and expect to achieve? Which results did you actually achieve? Where are the differences, and why?
  • Did you obtain any unexpected insights? Which?
  • In every project, mistakes are made and things go wrong. These are usually very interesting to learn from. Don't be afraid to talk about these - people won't judge you, on the contrary!

Sharing your presentation after GLAM-WIKI 2015

We encourage you to share your presentation online after GLAM-WIKI 2015!

The social media hashtag for the conference is #glamwiki.